The Retirement Rise 4.17.2023
Falling Inflation and 'To-Do List' Scorekeeping in Retirement
This Week’s Good Financial News
Inflation is down precipitously since 2022 highs. Last week, the Labor Department reported that March CPI increased by 5%, the smallest gain since 2021.
Without predicting what next month holds, or even what next year holds, we can say that directionally inflation is moving in the right direction.
That’s good news!
A Thought on Retire on Purpose
The Wall Street Journal has a new column titled ‘Retirement Rookies,’ written by Stephen, a now-retired Wall Street Journal editor, and his similarly-retired spouse, Karen, a former educator.
It’s fantastic, and I suggest you read the whole column: “Why Can’t We Just Relax More in Retirement?”
A few takeaways:
Retire into something: Stephen and Karen took a three-month planned cross-country bike soon after he retired. What passion or bucket-list item can you embark on right after you retire? Do this.
Stop the ‘To-Do List’ Scorekeeping: Stephen and Karen go about their days differently. Once he retired, she felt guilty about her sense of productivity. Was he judging her? Can she relax now? They’ve had to communicate through this and give themselves permission for daily R&R.
Retired You is Different: Stephen learned not to compare his post-retirement self to his former on-the-job productivity. Retirement is a different sort of job.
All to say, retirement is different. Though it takes a tremendous amount of planning to retire in the first place, it will take an equal amount of communication and intention to successfully and peacefully enjoy all that retirement has to offer.